Today, as we were taking photos, the camera went dead. Then when I attempted to use a new tool to try to download from the memory card, it wouldn't work. Well, the computer has this slot for memory cards, so I tried to put the card in the slot. It obviously was not meant for the memory card I have as the card got stuck. I tried to get it out--took the computer apart, tried to use tweezers, tried using a wire to get it out. No go. I finally tried putting a thin bladed knife in the slot and then turned the computer upside down. Yay, it fell out. Husband put the battery for the camera in the charger--the wrong way! I just went to get it and discovered it did not charge. ARGH! No outfit photo today.
In the latest
WhoWhatWear Accessory spotlight, white shoes are featured. My favorite was the Isabel Marant fringe boot. While I might love to have them, they are more than a bit out of my price range.
I found a source for white 1960's style boots at Klassic Line, a vintage clothing store. Sorry I cannot post the picture as it is copyrighted, but the boots can be seen
As I was searching websites to try to find some less expensive alternatives which I could not find, I realized that some trends are not going to be mainstream for a while. I have seen a couple of the fringed white boots, but both are expensive and only available in the larger cities.
Recently, I wanted to participate in Tammy's
Trending through the decades - Polka dots. I could not find polka dots anywhere. Sales clerks looked at me like I was nuts wanting it. Maybe next year we will have polka dots.
Living in the middle of the US, we do not have a lot of the high end department, trendy stores, or boutiques that the east and west coasts have. There's no store here that sells the high end designers like Isabel Marant, Chloe, or Chanel. The closest place for that is most likely Kansas City. No Urban Outfitters, Anthropology, JCrew, Zara, or H&M. We have Dillards, Kohl's, JC Penney, Chico's, Coldwater Creek, and Ann Taylor. Buying online is an alternative, but shipping gets expensive if the item doesn't fit. (I recently spent $26.00 to send back 2 packages.)
The only way we can participate in some of the trendy big city looks is to attempt to copy the look using locally available merchandise. Perhaps that is a better way because it encourages creativity.
For those of you who live in smaller cities, how do you cope when you want something like what you see in a magazine, only at an affordable price?